Thursday, September 26, 2024

Pateros pursues improvement projects on many fronts


PATEROS – Together with the surprising news announced at the July city council meeting that the city was awarded a $2.5 million Housing and Urban Development (HUD) grant for Pateros Mall design and construction, City Administrator Jord Wilson distributed a project status spreadsheet featuring:

  • Water System Plan: The Sanitary Survey is completed. An onsite visit by Department of Health officials produced no findings. The city received a grant for additional PFAS (fire retardant chemicals) testing now mandatory for the city water system. More than 80 customers have responded to the cross-connection questionnaire and lead service line survey sent to about 300 accounts in June. Follow-up notices were sent out in July for unreturned questionnaires and surveys. The Lead Service Line Report will be completed and sent to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) this month.
  • Warren/Riverside Intersection Pilot Project: The resin surface has been ordered. Installation training is scheduled for August 20 in Chelan. Unlike the normal curbing and other street installations used to direct and control traffic, the colored and slightly raised resin overlay is a new idea being introduced in Pateros and Chelan to visually direct drivers. 

The project is funded by a $135,000 Transportation Improvement Board (TIB) grant and is the first of its kind in the state.

  • US97 Pedestrian Bike Path: WSDOT awarded a $99,219 grant in May 2023. The design prospectus still needs edits before a construction contract can be funded.
  • Stormwater System Plan: The Department of Ecology awarded $103,199 of a $112,660 grant request leaving a city match of $9.461. The city council approved a consultant contract in June. Work will begin this fall.

Mike Maltais: 360-333-8483 or


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